Saturday, June 14, 2008

Have You Ever Thought About a Cash Gifting Belief System?

Elite Activity is not a company, business, or Investment Club. We are a belief system, (simply individuals who believe in giving freely to one another unconditionally) with a pure intent to Empower! We are committed to teach people of all backgrounds that they can live an abundant life! We believe it’s a divine experience to give freely and unconditionally.

The Elite Activity is a "Private Activity", formally organized under the non-profit 501 (C) (3) status. Citizens of free countries around the world have a legal and Constitutional right to give property, cash, and other assets of value as established by law. In Gifting, individuals choose to give freely, and cannot lose money because a gift given unconditionally cannot be lost! You can’t lose what you give away! In Elite Activity we give freely expecting nothing in return from the recipient of the gift, and there are no promises or guarantees!

Our belief system is born of the Intention to Empower. Our vision is to create the You and Me World by providing models and information where participants can have an actual experience of the truth that Abundance is created through giving.

In this Activity we simply "Share" an invitation or "Invite". We believe the first gift you receive is the Invitation itself. Elite Activity exists because participants truly grasp the spirit of "People Helping People". There is no need to “sell” or pressure anyone to participate. We believe our Elite Philosophy of "Living The Law Of Abundance" through sharing is a time tested way to live. The Activity is for like minds who believe in the universal concept of "What You Give in Life Will Come Back Many Times Over".

If you are interested please visit my website for more information...